Our Services Occupational Therapy
n Pediatric Occupational Therapy (OT) is the health professional helping patients to regain their ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLS) . Occupational therapists also focus much of their work on identifying and eliminating environmental barriers to independence and participation in daily activities.
OT helps the child to improve
- Eye coordination
- Hand eye coordination
- Reaching to get objects
- Hand to mouth coordination
- Hand skills
- Dressing and undressing
- Tying shoe laces
- hand writing of the child
- Teach various other activities of daily livings.

- Sensory Integration Therapy
Sensory Integration is a process by which we sense the world around us. We use our sensory organs to recieve information around us and on the other hand we organise it so we understand our surroundings and respond appropriately.
Any breakdown in sensory processing can affect:
- Behavior
- communication
- function
- successful participation in daily life.
Our body is naturally equipped to protect us and make sense of information so that we can effectively participate in daily life.When our sensory integration intacts we feel comfortable in environment in some individuals they don't process there sensory input quite right. This is called sensory processing disorder.
Children having sensory processing disorder have there life quite miserable and they have difficulty in interacting with others , behavioural issues , communicational difficulty, poor peer group interaction, bad social behaviour, and dependent on others for various activities of daily livings(ADL'S).
SENSORY INTEGRATION THERAPY is one of the technique used by occupational therapist through fun and play based activities by exposing them to sensory stimulation in a structured and repetitive way by which they suppress the hyperresponsive(hyperactive) sensory area and dominate the hyporesponsive sensory area which needs more information.
Normal child knows how to protect from danger if any child's tactile system is hyperresponsive then he or she may feel pain or discomfort while touching something sticky and she shows behavioural issues.
Occupational therapy in OACDC works on various sensory programs.
- Sensory Integration Therapy and Sensory Diet.
- OT help child to lessens his hyperactivity
- OT by fun and play therapy reduces false response by brain to touch,sound ,sight and movement.
- Vestibular system training
- Proprioceptive system traning
- Learning new skills involving movement.
- Various strategies to reduce noise sensitivity, Tactile sensitivity,taste sensitivity and visual sensitivity.

Cognitive development
- Follows one step command(such as please give me the ball)
- Imitates older kids and adults
- Repeat behaviours
- Will look at book and turn pages
Social and emotional development
- Enjoys peekaboo, and other social programs
- Cries when u leave the room
- Feels proud when he or she gains new skills like standing ,walking etc
- Cries when you leave the room
Cognitive development
- Find things even when hidden under two or three covers
- Begins to sort shapes and colours
- Plays simple games
- Follows two step instructions such as pick up your shoes and put them in the closest.
- Names objects in the picture book such as cat, bird,or dog.
Social and emotional development
- Gets excited with other children
- Shows more and more independence
- Copies others, especially elders and older children
Cognitive development
- their own name,age and gender
- Follows 2 to 3step instructions
- Enjoy working with puzzles string of numbers rather than actually count.
- Have active imaginations
social development
- Experience wide range of emotions
- Understands the concept of mine and yours
- Can identify a person as boy or girl
- Interested in toilet training may stay dry when they are awake
- Express affection openly
Cognitive development
- Counts 10 or more things
- Can draw a person with at least 6 body parts
- Can print some letters or numbers
- Copies a triangle and other geometric shapes
- Knows about things used every day, like money and food
Social and emotional development
- Wants to please friends
- Wants to be like friends
- More likely to agree with rules
- Likes to sing, dance, and act
- Is aware of gender
- Can tell what’s real and what’s make-believe
- Shows more independence (for example, may visit a next-door neighbor by himself [adult supervision is still needed])
- Is sometimes demanding and sometimes very cooperative
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