developmental delay
Physical developmental delay or Motor developmental delay
Development delay should be suspected,if the child is not able to
- Pull up to sit by four and half months
- Roll over by five months
- Sit without support by seven to eight months.
- Stand holding on by nine to ten months.
- Walk by fifteen months.
- Climb up and down the stairs by two years
- Jumps with both feet by two and half years
- Stand momentarily on one foot by three years
- Hop by four years n walk in a straight line back and forth or bounce on one foot for five to ten seconds by 5 years.
Fine Motor Development
Parents should notice the fine motor development of child in initial age of child.
Parent should notice these things in his/her child.
- Baby should be able to hold a rattle by 4 to 5 months.
- Absence of pincer grasp by 10 to 11 months is a risk factor.
- Grasp reflex should not persist beyond 3 and half months.
- Inability to put In or take out an object from cup by 15 months.
- Inability to remove socks by self by 20months should arouse suspicion of delay.
- Child should be able to build a tower of 5 blocks.
- Scribble by 2 years.
- Inability to turn pages of book
Language delay
Child is likely to be delayed in language development if he or she doesn’t
- Babble by 5-6months
- If he or she has less than 3 meaningful words in his or her vocabulary by 18 months
- Can’t use 2 word phrases or repeat phrases by 2 years.
Cognitive development delay
Immediately parent should get alert
- If child doesn’t become alert when mother is around by 2-3 months.
- Not interested in playing
- Doesn’t distinguish between short and long objects.
- Doesn’t know his full name by 3 years
- Doesn’t know address and birthday at the age of 5 and half years.